Neighbours Exercise question answers - Class 12 English (chapter1)



Understanding the text.

a.  Describe how the young couple's house looked like. 
➣ The young couple had a fine house which was small and appealing. The high ceiling and panned windows provided them with the feeling of elegant cottage. The young man could see out over the roof tops from his study room.

b. How did the young couple identify their neighbours in the begining of their arrival?
➣  At the beging at their arrival, the young couple had negative impressions towards their neighbours. They felt quiet bad and irritated to hear loud noise conversations and loud noise furniture works. Also, the young boy who used to pee on roads and cats' body gave them bad impression about their neighbours.

c. How did the neighbours helped the young couple in kitchen garden?
➣ When the young couple started planting crops and vegetables like leeks, onions, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broad beans, the neighbours came to fence and provided them with advice about spacing, hilling and mulching. They also suggested ideas to yield good vegetables. Just few minutes later a woman came and handed them with a bag of garlic to plant them.

d. Why were the people of neighborhood surprised at the role of young man and his wife in the family? 
➣ The young woman used to work in hospital and the young man wrote thesis and worked at home all day long. The people of neighbourhood were suprised at they practice in which male stayed at home and female go for work.

e. How did the neighbours respond to the woman's pregnancy?
➣  After knowing the fact that the young woman was pregnant, the neighbours smiled for a long time. The man gave them chocolates, presents and cigratte as gift to neighbours. An italian woman began to offer names. A Greek woman felt her belly and said that it was bound to be a by. By next summer, woman next door knitted a baby suit and the polish Man came with barrow full at wood scarps for fire.

f. Why did the young man begin to weep at the end of story?
➣ The young man began to weep at the end of story because he realized his neighbours' love, care and Support for them. When he found all of them at his fence cheering for his newly born baby he couldn't control his emotions, and went full of tears and began to cry.

g. Why do you think the author did not characterize the person in the story with proper nomes? 
➣  I think the author didn't characterized the person in the story with proper names because he wanted to show people of mixed group at one place and he wanted to disclose that their ethnicity was more important than their individuality. Moreover, he didn't wanted his readers to spend time on remembering name for the short and sweet story.

Reference to Context

a. The story shows that linguistic and cultural barriers do not create any obstacle in human relationships. Cite some examples from story where neighbors have transcended such barriers.
➣ Although every one of the neighbour had different languages, cultures and traditions, none of them had to learn others' language and culture to live in joy and in Supportive way. The young couple got advice from neighbour regarding gardening, they built a hen house with the help of neighbour although they didn't understand each other language properly. This show that linguistic and cultural barriers don't create any obstacles in human relationships.

b. The last sentence at the story reads "The twentieth century novel had not prepared him for this". In your views, what differences did the young man find between twentieth century novel and human relations?
➣  They had bad impression towards their neighbour; they hadn't planned for pregnancy  but the young woman becomes pregnant Everyone is willing to assist and is courteous. Being a writer he found that novel characters are totally different from that of real life person. Unlike novel, in real life humans have to face unpredictable situations. He realizes that nothing is certain and this uncertainty has its one beauty and it teaches wonderful life lessons that novels cannot teach.

c. A Nepali proverb says "Neighbours are companions for wedding Procession as well as for funeral Procession." Does this proverb apply in story? Justify. 
➣ Neighbours are real companions of life. They pass their life with each other, sharing and caring for other. They are one who help us in any sitution.This is the meaning of the proverb.
Yes, the proveb applies in the story. The neighbour have helped them in any situation. They gave gardening advice, helped to build hen house. They Supported the young woman's pregnancy and cheered for the newly born baby.

d. The author has dealt with multi-culturalism in the story. why do you think it has become major issue in present world?
➣ Multi Culturalism means the presence of diverse cultures in a community. I think it has become a major issue in present world because when people of different cultures are together there arises misunderstanding and misconception about each others. It may cause discrimination and to vital social problems like unemployment etc .

Reference beyond the text. 

a. Do people in your community respond with similar reactions. the pregnancy and childbirth as depicted in the story? Give couple of examples.
➣ Yes, people of my community also respond with similar reaction upon pregnancy. After knowing about pregnancy in community people visit their house, entertain them, give advice regarding health and Safety and so on. After child birth people give them gifts, cheer with them, share their experiences and enjoy a lot.

Also read:

 Neighbour Summary class 12 english chapter 1

A respectable woman exercise chapter 2

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