A Respectable Woman exercise question answers | Class 12 english chapter 2 exercise solution



Understanding the text

a. Why was Mrs. Barndo unhappy with the information about Gouvernail's visit to their farm?

➣ Mrs. Baroda was unhappy with the information because she had spent high time with her husband during the winter and was looking forward to the period of unbroken rest and sentimental conversations with her husband.

b. How was Gouvernail different from Mrs Baroda's expectation?

➣ Gouvernail was different from Mrs Boroda's expectation to as she expected him to be tall, slim, wearing glasses and putting hands in pockets but althouth he was slim enough none on her other expectation matched.

c. How does Mrs. Baroda compare Gouvernail with her husband?

➣ During his stay at plantation Mrs Baroda finds  Gouvernail attractive but not as interesting as her husband, unlike her husband he was unsociable and did not pay any attention to her.

d. Why and how did Mrs Baroda try to change Gouvernail's Solitary habits?

➣ Mrs Baroda tried to change Gouvernail's solitary habits because she wanted him to be talkative and more interested towards her. She did so by making him more talkative and adaptable to the situation.

e. How does Gaston disagree with his wife on Gouvernail's character?  

➣ He wife finds Gouvernail to be boring, and shy figure but  Gastom says he is friendly, talkative and interesting figure.

f. Why was a Gaston suprised with his wife's expression towards the end of the story? 

➣ Since Grauvernail visit, Gaston knew that his wife was irritated with him. When he talked about bringing Gouvernail again She opposed but later on Mrs Baroda herself proposed to bring Gouvernail and said that she had overcome everything. This sudden change of his wife's thought suprised him.

Reference to the context.

a. What is the cause of conflict in Mrs Baroda's mind? What role does Mrs Baroda "being a respectable woman' play in the sory?

➣ The main cause of conflict in Mrs. Baroda's mind is the attraction towards his husband's friend Gouvernail. In the story the writer has clearly depicted her inner conflicts that arose after Govevernail arrived and till he left. Being a respectable woman has story changing role. She had made assumption about society and was bounded by it. Just because of society and realization of social norms and ethics, she couldn't express her feelings towards Gouvernail.

b. Sketch the character of Gouvernail and contrast it with Gaston.

➣ Gouvernail had been a Journalist and he was not as social as Gaston. Similarly, he didn't pay attention to people around him and especially showed no interest towards Mrs Baroda and it was exactly  opposite than what Gaston did. Gaston is a frank, loving person and he appreciates other but these traits. are hardly found in Gouvernail.

c. Why does this Baroda not disclose her feeling towards Gouvernail to her husband?

 ➣ Mrs Barada does not disclose her feelings towards Gouvernail to her husband because she is bounded by her society. Such an act would be to criticized. Moreover, her beliefs about what makes a woman respectable in society overtakes her feelings and finally she made such decision because she thought some problems in life needs to be fought alone.

d. The last three sentences of the story brings a kind of twist. After year reading these three sentences how do you analyze Mrs Baroda's attitude towards Gouvernail? 

➣ The last three sentences of story brings a kind of twist in the story. In fact it puts the reader in dilemma if Mrs Baroda had got rid of her attraction towards Gouvernail or her opionions about her society which bounded her to express her feeling towards Gouvernail.
After reading these line I think that she had overcome society's fear and is finally ready to start relationship with Gouvernail.

Reference beyond the text

a Narrate a story real as imaginative where an outsider arrival destroys the intimate relationship between the husband and the wife and causes breakup in their maritial relationship without direct fault of anyone.

 ➣ Anton chekov's story " About Love' is an interesting story where the arrival of Alyohin in Mr Luganovich's family destroys the intimate relationship between the husband. and the wife and it causes terrible troubles and mental stress to his wife Anna Luganovich.

Mr Luganovich and Anna are husband wife living together in the city. Though there is a wide gар of age differences between husband and wife, they are living happily. Anna is a young lady of about twenty-two. She is married to a Judge, a man of over forty. She is a young woman, beautiful, kind intelligent and fascinating. Her gaze, her delicate hands, her way of talking all are impressive to anyone. As the story opens, she has a six month's baby and later she has another baby. She has been living with her husband in peace and harmony. But the arrival of another man in her life damages her entire life. Ultimately, She has neurotic problem & leaves Alyohin.

b. Suppose you are boy/girl and your family is giving pressure for you for getting married. Write in about 200 words describing what qualities you would like to get in your future husband/wife.

➣ Marriage is a intimate bond between two person. This is a lifetime bond and the couple has to spend their life with each other. I hope to see the following qualities in my future wife:

→ She should have good manners and good daily habits.
→ She must be loving and caring.
→ She needs to be a Good listener.
→ She enjoys my company and understands and my thought and decision and respects it.
→ She is sweet and has good sense of humour. → She never places restriction on me or the relationship.
→ She respects my family member and loves me truly.
→ She can balance her work and family and face challenges.

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