Physics Curriculum and Grid [Class 12]

 New Curriculum For Physics [Class 12]

Total Working Hours: 160

     Theory: 128

     Internal Evaluation: 32

Contents Teaching hours Marks
Mechanics 22 13
Heat and Thermodynamics 12 7
Wave and Optics 26 15
Electricity and Magnetism 35 21
Modern Physics 33 19
Internal Evaluation 32 25
Total 160 100

Specification Grid 

Specification grid of physics class 12

Internal Evaluation

    practicals: 16 marks

    Marks from trimester exam: 6 marks

    Classroom participation: 3 marks

    Total : 25 marks

Content Area 


1. Rotational Dynamics [7 Teaching hours] 

1.1 Equation of angular motion, Relation between linear and angular kinematics

1.2 Kinetic energy of rotation of rigid body

1.3 Moment of inertia; Radius of gyration

1.4 Moment of inertia of a uniform rod

1.5 Torque and angular acceleration for a rigid body

1.6 Work and power in rotational motion

1.7 Angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum

2. Periodic motion [6 Teaching hours]

2.1 Equation of simple harmonic motion (SHM)

2.2 Energy in SHM

2.3 Application of SHM: vertical oscillation of mass suspended from coiled spring.

2.4 Angular SHM, simple pendulum

2.5 Oscillatory motion: Damped oscillation, Forced oscillation and resonance.

3. Fluid statics [9 Teaching hours]

3.1 Fluid statics: Pressure in a fluid; Buoyancy 3.2 Surface tension: Theory of surface tension; Surface energy

3.3 Angle of contact, capillarity and its applications

3.4 Fluid Dynamics: Newton's formula for viscosity in a liquid; Coefficient of viscosity

3.5 Poiseuille's formula and its application

3.6 Stokes law and its applications

3.7 Equation of continuity and its applications 3.8 Bernoulli's equation and its applications.


Heat and Thermodynamics

4. First Law of Thermodynamics [6 Teaching hours]

4.1 Thermodynamic systems

4.2 Work done during volume change

4.3 Heat and work, Internal energy and First law of thermodynamics

4.4 Thermodynamic processes: Adiabatic, isochronic, isothermal and isobaric

4.5 Heat capacities of an ideal gas at constant pressure and volume and relation between them

4.6 Isothermal and Adiabatic processes for an ideal gas.

5. Second Law of Thermodynamics [6 Teaching hours]

5.1 Thermodynamic systems and direction of thermodynamic processes

5.2 Second law of thermodynamics

5.3 Heat engines

5.4 Internal combustion engines: Otto cycle, Diesel cycle; Carnot cycle

5.5 Refrigerator

5.6 Entropy and disorder (introduction only)


Wave and Optics

6. Wave motion [2 Teaching hours]

6.1 Progressive waves

6.2 Mathematical description of awave

6.3 Stationary waves

7. Mechanical waves [4 Teaching hours]

7.1 Speed of wave motion; Velocity of sound in solid and liquid

7.2 Velocity of sound in gas

7.3 Laplace's correction

7.4 Effect of temperature, pressure, humidity on velocity of sound.

8. Wave in pipes and strings [4 Teaching hours]

8.1 Stationary waves in closed and open pipes

8.2 Harmonics and overtones in closed and open organ pipes

8.3 End correction in pipes

8.4 Velocity of transverse waves along a stretched string

8.5 Vibration of string and overtones 8.6 Laws of vibration of fixed string.

9. Acoustic phenomena [5 Teaching hours]

9.1 Sound waves: Pressure amplitude

9.2 Characteristics of sound: Intensity; loudness, quality and pitch

9.3 Doppler's effect.

10. Nature and propagation of Light [3 Teaching hours]

10.1 Huygen's principle

10.2 Reflection and Refraction according to wave theory

11. Interference [2 Teaching hours]

11.1 Phenomenon of Interferences: Coherent sources

11.2 Young's double slit experiment.

12. Diffraction [3 Teaching hours]

12.1 Diffraction from a single slit

12.2 Diffraction pattern of image; Diffraction grating 12.3 Resolving power of optical instruments.

13. Polarization [3 Teaching hours]

13.1 Phenomenon of polarization

13.2 Brewster's law; transverse nature of light

13.3 Polaroid.


Electricity and Magnetism

14. Electrical circuits [6 Teaching hours]

14.1 Kirchhoff's law

14.2 Wheatstone bridge circuit, Meter bridge

14.3 Potentiometer: Comparison of e m.f., measurement of internal resistances of a cell

14.4 Super conductors, Perfect conductors

14.5 Conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter and ammeter; Ohmmeter

14.6 Joule's law

15. Thermoelectric effects: [3 Teaching hours]

15.1 Seebeck effect, Thermocouples

15.2 Peltier effect: Variation of thermoelectric e.m f. with temperature; Thermopile

16. Magnetic field [9 Teaching hours]

16.1 Magnetic field lines and magnetic flux, Oersted's experiment

162 Force on moving charge; Force on a conductor

16.3 Force and Torque on rectangular coil, Moving coil galvanometer

16.4 Hall effect

16.5 Magnetic field of a moving charge.

16.6 Biot and Savart law and its application to (i) a circular coil (ii) a long straight conductor (iii) a longs olenoid

16.7 Ampere's law and its applications to (i) a long straight conductor (ii) a straight solenoid (iii) a toroidal solenoid

16.8 Force between two parallel conductors carrying current- definition of ampere

17. Magnetic properties of materials: [5 Teaching hours]

17.1 Magnetic field lines and magnetic flux

17.2 Flux density in magnetic material, Relative permeability, Susceptibility

17.3 Hysteresis

17.4 Dia,-para- and ferro-magnetic materials

18 Electromagnetic Induction [6 Teaching hours]

18.1 Faraday's laws, Induced electric fields

18.2 Lenz's law, Motional electromotive force

18 83AC generators; Eddy currents

18.4 Self-inductance and mutual inductance

18.5 Energy stored in an inductor

18.6 Transformer

19 Alternating Currents [6 Teaching hours]

19.1 Peak and mis value of AC current and voltage

19.2 AC through a resistor, a capacitor and an inductor 19.3 Phasor diagram

19.4 Series circuits containing combination of resistance, capacitance and inductance

19.5 Series resonance, quality factor 19.6 Power in AC circuits: power factor

Modern Physics

20. Electrons [4 Teaching hours]

20.1 Milikan's oil drop experiment,

20.2 Motion of electron beam in electric and magnetic fields

20.3 Thomson's experiment to determine specific charge of electrons

21. Photons [3 Teaching hours]

21.1 Quantum nature of radiation

21.2 Einstein's photoelectric equation; Stopping potential

21 3 Measurement of Plank's constant

22. Semiconductor devices [6 Teaching hours]

22.1 P-N Junction

22.2 Semiconductor diode: Characteristics in forward and reverse bias 22.3 Full wave rectification

22.4 Logic gates, NOT, OR, AND, NAND and NOR

23. Quantiration of energy [8 Teaching hours]

23.1 Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom

23.2 Spectral series, Excitation and ionization potentials

23.3 Energy level, Emission and absorption spectra

23.4 De Broglie Theory, Duality 23.5 Uncertainly principle

23.6 X-rays: Nature and production; uses

23.7 X-rays diffraction. Brage's law.

24. Radioactivity and nuclear reaction [6 Teaching hours]

24.1 Alpha-particles: Beta-particles, Gamma rays

24.2 Laws of radioactive disintegration

24 3 Half-life, mean-life and decay constant

24,4 Geiger-Muller Tube

24.5 Carbon dating

24 6 Medical use of nuclear radiation and possible health

25. Recent trends in physics [6 Teaching hours]


25.1 Surface waves: Rayleigh and Love waves Internal waves: S and P-waves

Wave patterns of Gorkha Earthquake 2015

25.2 Gravitational Wave


Higgs Boson


Practical Courses (32 Hours)

The practical work that students do during their course is aimed at providing them learning opportunities to accomplish competency number 2 and 3 of the syllabus as well as reinforcing their learning of the theoretical subject content. This part of the syllabus focuses more on skill building than knowledge building. Students must be aware of the importance of precision, accuracy, significant figures, range and errors. while collecting, processing, analyzing and communicating data. Likewise, graphical method of analysis and drawing conclusion should be encouraged wherever possible.

In each academic year, students should perform 10 experiments, either listed below or designed by teacher, so that no more than three experiments come from the same unit of this syllabus

I. Mechanics

1. Use of Simple pendulum for the determination of the value of 'g' in the laboratory by graphically analyzing the variation of period of oscillations with length of the pendulum.

2. Determination of the surface tension of water by capillary tube method by graphically analyzing the variation of by graphically analyzing the variation of height of the liquid against the diameter of capillary tube for five capillaries of different diameters dipped in water simultaneously. 3. Determination of the coefficient of viscosity of liquid by Stoke's method by graphically analyzing the variation of time taken for six metal balls of different diameters to travel the same distance in the given liquid with respect to their diameters

II. Wave and Optics

4. Determination of the wavelength of He-Ne laser light by passing a plane diffraction grating.

5. Determination of the frequency of A.C. Mains using sonometer and graphically analyzing the variation of the ratio of resonating lengths with respect to the frequency of tuning fork using tuning forks of different frequencies. 6. Determination of velocity of sound in air at NTP using resonance tube..

III. Electricity and magnetism

7. Use of potentiometer for the

 a) Comparison of emf's of two cells

b) Determination of the internal resistance of a cell

8. Study the variation or resistance of a thermistor with temperature. 1. Use of deflection magnetometer to determination of the pole strength and magnetic moment of a bar magnet

2. Determine the magnetic field strength of a bar magnet stuck on table by graphically analyzing the period of torsional motion of a freely suspended bar magnet and its distance from the near pole of the fixed magnet along its long axis.

IV. Modern Physics

11. Study the I-V characteristics of a semiconductor diode.

e) Sample project works for grade 12

1. Study the traffic noise level in your town using a sound pressure level (SPL) meter.

2. Design and construct a step-up transformer. 3. Construct simple device to measure angle of contact of a liquid with a solid surface and also calculate the surface free energy of some hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces.

4. Calculate the surface free energy of some hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces. 5. Construct a simple DC motor using a disk type magnet and a battery.

6. Construct a model of AC generator/dynamo. 7. Construct a current balance to measure magnetic flux density of a U-shaped magnet.

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