Chemistry new curriculum class 12 - NEB 2078


Syllabus of chemistry class 12, 2078

General and Physical Chemistry 

1. Volumetric Analysis (8 TH)
1.1 Define and explain the terms volumetric and gravimetric analysis.
1.2 Express the concentration of solutions in terms of percentage, g/l, molarity, molality, normality, ppm, ppb
1.3 Define and calculate the equivalent weight of (elements, acids, bases, salts, oxidising and reducing agents).
1.4 Express the concentration of solution in terms of normality.
1.5 Explain and apply the concept of law of equivalence in chemical calculation.
1.6 Define and explain primary and secondary standard substance.
1.7 Explain different types of titration and their applications. 

2. Ionic Equilibrium (10 TH)
2.1 Explain the limitations of Arrhenius concepts of acids and bases.
2.2 Define Bronsted and Lowry concepts for acids and bases.
2.3 Define conjugate acids and conjugate base.
2.4 Identify conjugate acid-base pairs of Bronsted acid and base.
2.5 Define and explain Lewis acids and bases.
2.6 Use the extent of ionization and dissociation constant of acid (ka) and base (kb).
2.7 Explain ionization constant of water and calculate pH and pOH in aqueous medium using Kw values.
2.8 Show understanding of, and use, the concept of solubility product Ksp.
2.9 Calculate Ksp from concentrations and vice versa.
2.10 Show understanding of the common ion effect.
2.11 Describe the application of solubility product principle and common ion effect in precipitation reactions.
2.12 Define a Buffer and show with equations how a Buffer system works.
2.13 Explain the choice of suitable indicators for acid-base titrations and describe the changes in pH during acid-base titrations.
2.14 Define and differentiate different types of salts (simple salts, double salts, complex salt, acidic salts, basic salts and neutral salts).
2.15 Explain hydrolysis of salts (salts of strong acid and strong base, salts of weak acid and strong base and salts of weak base and strong acid). 

3. Chemical Kinetics (7 TH)
3.1 Define chemical kinetics.
3.2 Explain and use the terms rate of reaction, rate equation, rate constant.
3.3 Explain qualitatively factors affecting rate of reaction.
3.4 Use collision theory to explain how the rate of chemical reaction is influenced by temperature, concentration and particle size.
3.5 Explain the meaning of the term activation energy and activated complex.
3.6 Derive and explain integrated rate equation and half life for zero, and first order reaction.
3.7 Construct and use rate equations calculating an initial rate using concentration data.
3.8 Explain the significance of Arrhenius equation and solve the related problems.
3.9 Explain and use the terms catalyst and catalysis (homogenous, heterogeneous).
3.10 Describe enzyme as biological catalyst.
3.11 Explain the role of catalyst in the reaction mechanism.
3.12 Solve related numerical problems based on rate, rate constant and order of zero and first order reactions. 

4. Thermodynamics (8 TH)
4.1 Define thermodynamics.
4.2 Explain the energy change in chemical reactions.
4.3 Define the terms internal energy and state function.
4.4 State and explain first law of thermodynamics.
4.5 State and explain enthalpy and enthalpy changes in various process (enthalpy of solution, enthalpy of formation enthalpy of combustion and enthalpy of reaction).
4.6 Explain endothermic and exothermic process with the help of energy profile diagram.
4.7 State laws of thermo-chemistry and solve numerical problems related to Hess law.
4.8 Define the term entropy and spontaneity.
4.9 State and explain second law of thermodynamics.
4.10 Define standard Gibbs free energy change of reaction by means of the equation G = H– TS.
4.11 Calculate G for a reaction using the equation G = H– TS.
4.12 State whether a reaction or process will be spontaneous by using the sign of G.
4.13 Explain the relationship between G and equilibrium constant. 

5. Electrochemistry (7 TH)
5.1 Define the terms: standard electrode (redox) potential.
5.2 Explain about standard hydrogen electrode and calomel electrodes.
5.3 Calculate a standard cell potential by combining two standard electrode potential.
5.4 Describe the applications of electrochemical series.
5.5 Define and explain standard cell potential with reference to voltaic cell: Zn-Cu cell, Ag-Cu cell
5.6 Use standard cell potentials to: explain/deduce the direction of electron flow in a simple cell and predict the feasibility of a reaction.
5.7 Explain the relationship between cell potential and free energy change.
5.8 State the possible advantages of developing other types of cell, e.g. the hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell and lithiumion, rechargeable batteries. 

Inorganic Chemistry 

6. Transition Metals (5 TH)
6.1 Explain characteristics of transition metals.
6.2 Explain oxidation states of transition metals.
6.3 Describe complex ions and metal complexes.
6.4 Show shapes of complex ions.
6.5 Describe d-orbitals in complex ions (simple explanation by crystal field theory) for octahedral complex.
6.6 Explain reasons for the colour of transition metal compounds.
6.7 Explain catalytic properties of transition metals

7. Studies of Heavy Metals (15 TH)
7.1 Explain occurrence of heavy metals.
7.2 Describe extraction of heavy metals.
7.3 Describe properties (with air, acids, aqueous ammonia and metal ions) and uses of copper.
7.4 Explain chemistry (preparation, properties and uses) of blue vitriol.
7.5 Write formula and uses red and black oxide of copper.
7.6 Describe properties (with air, acid, alkali, displacement reaction) and uses of zinc.
7.7 Explain chemistry (preparation, properties and uses) of white vitriol.
7.8 State properties of mercury.
7.9 Explain chemistry (preparation,properties and uses) of calomel and corrosive sublimate.
7.10 Explain properties and uses of iron.
7.11 Explain manufacture of steel by basic oxygen method and open hearth process. 
7.12 Explain corrosion of iron and its prevention.
7.13 Explain preparation and uses of silver chloride and silver nitrate.

Organic Chemistry

8. Haloalkanes (8 TH)
8.1 Describe briefly the nomenclature, isomerism and classification of monohaloalkanes.
8.2 Show the preparation of monohaloalkanes from alkanes, alkenes and alcohols.
8.3 State physical properties of monohaloalkanes.
8.4 Describe chemical properties of haloalkanes: substitution reactions SN1 and SN2 reactions (basic concept only).
8.5 Show the formation of alcohol, nitrile, amine, ether, thioether, carbylamines, nitrite and nitro alkane using haloalkanes.
8.6 Describe elimination reaction (dehydrohalogenation- Saytzeff's rule), Reduction reactions, Wurtz reaction.
8.7 Show the preparation of trichloromethane from ethanol and propanone.
8.8 Explain the chemical properties of trichloromethane: oxidation, reduction, action on silver powder, conc. nitric acid, propanone, and aqueous alkali. 

9. Haloarenes (3 TH)
9.1 Describe briefly the nomenclature and isomerism of haloarenes.
9.2 Show the preparation of chlorobenzene from benzene and benzene diazonium chloride.
9.3 State physical properties of haloarens.
9.4 Describe low reactivity of haloarenes as compared to haloalkanes in term of nucleophilic substitution reaction.
9.5 Explain the chemical propertiesof haloarens: reduction of chlorobenzene, electrophilic substitution reactions, action with Na ( Fittig and Wurtz- Fittig reaction) and action with chloral.
9.6 Describe uses of haloarenes. 

10. Alcohols (7 TH)
10.1 Describe briefly the nomenclature, isomerism and classification of monohydric alcohol.
10.2 Distinguish primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols by Victor Meyer's Method.
10.3 Show the preparation of monohydricalcohols from Haloalkane, primary amines and esters.
10.4 Explain the industrial preparation alcohol from: oxo process, hydroboration-oxidation of ethane & fermentation of sugar.
10.5 Define absolute alcohol, power alcohol, denatured alcohol (methylated spirit), rectified spirit; and alcoholic beverage.
10.6 State physical properties monohydric alcohols.
10.7 Explain chemical properties of monohydric alcoholswith HX, PX3, PCl5, and SOCl2. Action with reactive metals like Na, K and Li. Dehydration of alcohols. Oxidation of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohol with mild oxidizing agents like acidified KMnO4 or K2Cr2O7. Catalytic dehydrogenation of 1⁰ and 2⁰ alcohol and dehydration of 3⁰ alcohol, Esterification reaction and test of ethanol. 

11. Phenols (4 TH)
11.1 Describe briefly the nomenclature of phenol.
11.2 Show the preparation of phenol from chlorobenzene, Diazonium salt and benzene sulphonic acid
11.3 State physical properties of phenol.
11.4 Describe acidic nature of phenol (comparison with alcohol and water).
11.5 Explain the chemical properties of phenol with NH3, Zn, Na, benzene diazonium chloride and phthalic anhydride, Acylation reaction, Kolbe's reaction and Reimer-Tiemann's reaction Electrophilic substitution (nitration, sulphonation, brominaiton and Friedal-Craft's alkylation).
11.6 Describe test of phenol (FeCl3 test, aq. Bromine test &Libermann test).
11.7 State important uses of phenol. 

12. Ethers (2 TH)
12.1 Describe briefly the nomenclature, classification and isomerism of ethers.
12.2 Show the preparation of aliphatic and aromatic ethers from Williamson's synthesis.
12.3 State physical properties of ether.
12.4 Explain chemical properties of ethoxyethane with HI , Conc. HCl, Conc. H2SO4, air and Cl2
12.5 State important uses of ethers. 

13. Aldehydes and Ketones (10 TH)
 (A) Aliphatic aldehydes and ketones
13.1 Describe briefly the nomenclature and isomerism of aliphatic aldehydes and ketones.
13.2 Show the preparation of aldehydes and ketones from dehydrogenation, oxidation of alcohol, ozonolysis of alkenes, acid chloride, gem dihaloalkane and catalytic hydration of alkynes
13.3 State physical properties of aldehydes and ketones.
13.4 Describe structure and nature of carbonyl group.
13.5 Explain chemical properties ofaliphatic aldehydes and ketones, i.e. addition of H2, HCN and NaHSO3. action of aldehyde and ketone with ammonia derivatives, i.e. NH2OH, NH2-NH2, phenyl hydrazine and semicarbazide. Aldol condensation, Cannizzaro's reaction, Clemmensen'sreduction. and WolfKishner reduction. Action with PCl5 and action with LiAlH4 .Action of methanal with ammonia and phenol.
13.6 Distinguish between aliphatic aldehydes and ketones by using 2,4- DNP reagent, Tollen's reagent and Fehling's solution.
13.7 Define formalin and state its uses.

   (B) Aromatic aldehydes and Ketones
13.8 Show the preparation of benzaldehyde from toluene and acetophenone from benzene.
13.9 Explain chemical properties of benzaldehyde, i.e. Perkin condensation, Benzoin condensation, Cannizzaro's reaction and electrophilic substitution reaction.

14. Carboxylic Acid and its Derivatives (9 TH)
   (A) Aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids
14.1 Describe briefly the nomenclature and isomerism of aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids.
14.2 Show the preparation of monocarboxylic acids from: aldehydes, nitriles, dicarboxylic acid, sodium alkoxide and trihaloalkanes.
14.3 Show the preparation of benzoic acid from alkyl benzene.
14.4 State physical properties of monocarboxylic acids.
14.5 Explain chemical properties of aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids: Action with alkalies, metal oxides, metal carbonates, metal bicarbonates, PCl3, LiAlH4 and dehydration of carboxylic acid. HellVolhard-Zelinsky reaction. Electrophilic substitution reaction of benzoic acid (bromination, nitration and sulphonation).
14.6 Explain effect of constituents on the acidic strength of carboxylic acid.
14.7 Describe abnormal behaviour of methanoic acid.

    (B) Derivatives of Carboxylic acids (acid halides, amides, esters and anhydrides)
14.8 Show the preparation of acid derivatives from carboxylic acid.
14.9 Explain the comparative physical properties of acid derivatives.
14.10 Explain the comparative chemical properties of acid derivatives (hydrolysis, ammonolysis, aminesRNH2), alcoholysis, and reduction only. Claisen condensation and hofmannbromamide reaction.
14.11 Describe amphoteric nature of amide and relative reactivity of acid derivatives.

15. Nitro Compounds (3 TH)
15.1 Describe briefly the nomenclature and isomerism of nitro compounds.
15.2 Show the preparation from haloalkane and alkane.
15.3 State physical properties of nitro compounds.
15.4 Explain chemical properties of nitro compounds, i.e. reduction.
15.5 Show preparation of nitrobenzene from benzene.
15.6 State physical properties of nitrobenzene.
15.7 Explain chemical properties of nitrobenzene, i.e. reduction in different media and electrophilic substitution reactions (nitration, sulphonation & bromination).
15.8 State important uses of nitrocompounds.

16. Amines (7 TH)
   (A) Aliphatic amines
16.1 Describe briefly the nomenclature, classification and isomerism of amines.
16.2 Show the separation of primary, secondary and tertiary amines by Hoffmann's method.
16.3 Show preparation of primary amines from haloalkane , nitriles, nitroalkanes and amides.
16.4 State physical properties of aliphatic amines.
16.5 Explain chemical properties of aliphatic amines, i.e. basicity of amines, comparative study of basic nature of 10, 20 and 30 amines. Reaction of primary amines with chloroform, conc. HCl, R-X, RCOX and nitrous acid (NaNO2 / HCl) and test of 10, 20 and 30 amines (nitrous acid test).
  (B) Aromatic amine (Aniline)
16.6 Show preparation of aniline from nitrobenzene and phenol.
16.7 State physical properties of aromatic amine.
16.8 Explain chemical properties of aromatic amine, i.e. basicity of aniline, comparison of basic nature of aniline with aliphatic amines and ammonia, alkylation, acylation, diazotization, carbylamines, coupling reaction and electrophilic substitution (Nitration sulphonation and bromination).
16.9 State important uses of aniline.

17. Organometallic Compounds (2 TH)
17.1 Describe briefly the general formula and examples of organolithium, organocopper and organocadmium compounds.
17.2 Explain the nature of Metal-Carbon bond.
17.3 Define Grignard reagent.
17.4 Show the preparation Grignard reagent (using haloalkane and haloarene).
17.5 Explain reaction of Grignard reagent with water, aldehydes and ketones (preparation of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols), carbon dioxide, HCN, RCN, ester and acid chloride.

Applied Chemistry

18. Chemistry in the Service of Mankind (4 TH)
18.1 Explain addition and condensation polymers.
18.2 Explain elastomers and fibres. 
18.3 Describe natural and synthetic polymers.
18.4 Explain some synthetic polymers (polythene, PVC, Teflon, polystyrene, nylon and bakelite).
18.5 Explain types of dyes on the basis of structure and method of application.
18.6 Describe characteristics of drugs.
18.7 Differentiate natural and synthetic drugs.
18.8 Classify some common drugs.
18.9 Be aware of adverse effect of drug addiction.
18.10 Explain insecticides, herbicides and fungicides.

19. Cement (4 TH)
19.1 Explain introduction and raw materials for cement production.
19.2 Give main steps in cement production (crushing and grinding, strong heating and final grinding).
19.3 Explain OPC and PPC cement.
19.4 Explain Portland cement process with flow-sheet diagram.
19.5 Explain cement Industry in Nepal.

20. Paper and Pulp (3 TH)
20.1 Explain raw materials, sources of raw materials and stages in production of paper.
20.2 Give flow-sheet diagram for paper production.
20.3 Describe quality of paper

21. Nuclear Chemistry and Applications
of Radioactivity (2 TH)
21.1 Describe natural and artificial radioactivity.
21.2 Give units of radioactivity.
21.3 Explain nuclear reactions.
21.4 Distinguish between nuclear fission and fusion reactions.
21.5 Describe nuclear power and nuclear weapons.
21.6 Explain industrial uses of radioactivity.
21.7 State the medical uses of radioactivity.
21.8 Explain radiocarbon dating.
21.9 Describe harmful effects of nuclear radiations. 


List of experiments for grade 12

A. Experiments based on recovery and preparation of salt
1. To recover blue vitriol crystals from the given mixture of copper sulphate and sodium chloride.
2. To recover CaCO3 from the mixture of CaCO3 and MgCO3 (dolomite).
3. To obtain hydrated calcium sulphate from the given marble chips.

B. Experiments based on volumetric analysis (Titration)
4. To prepare primary standard solution of Na2CO3 and standardize the given acid solution (HCl) by the standard solution.
5. To determine the strength of approximate NaOH solution with the help of standard decinormal solution of HCl supplied.
6. To determine the strength of bench sulphuric acid (H2SO4) with the help of standard NaOH or Na2CO3 solution and express the concentration in (i) normality (ii) molarity (iii) gm/litre (iv) percentage (Double titration).
7. To standardize the given approximate KMnO4 solution with the help of primary standard oxalic solution (Redox titration). 

C. Experiments based on organic chemistry:
8. To detect foreign elements present in a given organic compounds (N, S and X).
9. To identify the functional group present in the organic compounds (-OH, -COOH, – CHO, –CO–,–NH2), and –COO–)
10. To test the presence of:  a) Saturated or unsaturated fats b) Carbohydrates c) Proteins d) Phenol

D. Experiments based on thermochemistry:
11. To determine the enthalpy of neutralization of a strong acid and strong base.
12. To determine the molar enthalpy change of ammonium chloride solution

E. Experiments based on chemical kinetics:
13. To study the kinetics of the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.
14. To study the kinetics of the reaction between propanone and iodine

F. Experiments based on salt analysis:
15. To perform complete salt analysis to detect the acid and basic radicals present in the given inorganic salt (at least three salt samples).

G. Experiments based on applied and analytical Chemistry:
16. To separate the components of ink by paper chromatography and determine the Rf values.
17. To determine the contents of acetic acid in the given volume of vinegar by titrimetric analysis.
18. To prepare some common compounds:
 a. Potash alum b. Iodoform c. Fehling's solution d. Tollen's reagent
19. To isolate hippuric acid from given sample of cow urine.
20. To demonstrate the pH value of unknown sample solutions.

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